William Cobbet

William Cobbett Primary School

Gymnastics Classes at WCPS will be at the INFANT site on Monday (year R, 1 & 2) and the JUNIOR site on a Thursday (Year 5&6) and Friday (year 3 & 4) at 8am.

The classes will be run by Hannah Payne (07757 210221) 

Email: hannah.springboxgym@gmail.com

Spring Term Dates

All clubs will start the week of 13th January and finish the week of 24 March - 10 weeks (Half term 17-21 February)

If you would like to purchase a leotard in the school colours search for "Sleeveless Shine Motif 1" in SUGAR PLUM at the-zone.co.uk.  Springbox T-shirts and hoodies are also available to purchase. Ask Hannah for more details.

Sleeveless Shine Sparkly Crystal Embellishment | The Zone Z2139GLAM1 (the-zone.co.uk) 

William Cobbett Interest Form:

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